An interesting day with strange experiences.

Thursday 6th June

Although spending 3 hours on a bus a day, traveling to and from work is often less than exciting. However on the rare occasion that something exciting does happen, one must blog about it. So this morning on my bus to work I met a Peruvian man who spoke very good english. He asked me where I was from, where I was going and whether I was enjoying Peru. Finally he got to his stop and just before he got off the bus he asked me if I had tried Maca juice, I said no and he proceeded to give me a jar of juice.
Later when we were at the school, I asked the coordinator if it was ok to drink the juice. He uncertainly replied that it should be fine. My next question was more revealing, "would you drink it?"..."no!". So now I was stuck with a jar of juice. The next option was to try and pawn it off to a kid at the school. A couple of girls walked past and I gave one of them it, although they were very suspicious... As they walked off the coordinator says "She's going to die..." I have to say pawning off my juice was a very interesting experience.

Another interesting thing happened in the house today. Unbeknown to me, American's don't know what Tim Tam's are. To me this seems a foreign concept, and it is sad that they are neglected of this chocolatey heaven. So today one of the Australian girls brought out Tim Tam's for them to try. Of course they all got out their camera's to check out what this strange Australian biscuit was. Of course they loved it! 


Just a little side note. I want to wish my friends Amberly and Abby a safe trip home. It was amazing to meet you guys and you have made me laugh on so many occasions. The memories we've made will always stay with me. I hope you have enjoyed your time in Peru and carry this experience with you for the rest of your lives.

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